Thursday, April 17, 2008

Obama/Politics Rant!

Here's my Mum's response to me previous email/post (she calls it a 'Rant' herself so that's why I've titled it so). She did tell me what the 'CFR' is before... and if I can get her to start using this Blog instead of emailing me stuff and then me posting it here, I'll ask her again about that. I should say that I find my Mum's views on stuff interesting, entertaining, somewhat paranoid (but that doesn't mean they AREN'T all out to get us!), and at the very least they make me think about stuff outside the 'norm', so while I don't agree with much of what she believes, I also don't believe what much of the rest of the World believes either, so I suppose that evens things up...
1. I didn't say the Obamas were 'corrupt' or even stooges, they are the real thing.
2. Yes, they are intelligent, articulate, hardworking etc, I didn't say they weren't.

That's exactly why the intense scrutiny produced fast results.. Ideal people, easy to sell, electable. Wonderful. The CFR Elites are no fools - they are not going to groom and promote idiots - waste of time. They need the real thing. But it is a deliberate program Math. They, and most people in Congress and the Senate are also, to a large extent, 'bought and paid for' - in other words, they follow the line - that's why Ron Paul is virtually the only maverick - his ideas would destroy their power and return it to the States & people.

You know all this, but I'll say it anyway.
America is run, behind the scenes, by bankers (via the Fed) and big business. However well intentioned the current President is, he can do virtually nothing without those two powerful lobbies behind him. Nothing. The Fed/bankers issue and control the money supply, big business controls the rest. The military-industrial complex likes war, because it is highly profitable - for them anyway, tho it leaves the country in debt - and that's good for the bankers too... a nice comfy mutual profit centre. Hence the war in Iraq.

The FDA is in cahoots with big Pharma and the health insurance industry. Big mutual profits again. They have control, and the politicians sell the "benefits of a health industry, serving the people", so centrally run and the cost of healthcare explodes, leaving the working poor vulnerable. So much for American liberalism (ie "socialism") Fine in theory, and genuinely good, caring people, like you, believe and hope that it works. Well, it doesn't - that's the real pity.

It didn't work in Russia or China and look what's going on there now - they're no fools. Selective capitalism - run by the rich and powerful for a limited number, leaving the peasants marginalised . I saw it myself in Beijing. The Chinese must all pay for their childrens' education, thus ensuring ongoing lack of power/influence and a limited number within the middle class, leaving the peasants to rot or be economically forced to move from country to city - to grind the wheels of industry. (Read "The Trap" by James Goldsmith (of all people!!) published in '94, mainly about Europe, but still relevant and a good read.)

Socialism, while purporting to benefit the underdog, actually concentrates power to the rich and tends to marginalise the poor. But that's planned too. They are then controllable - the serfs - and it eventually wipes out people who could cause trouble - the lower and middle classes. The middle class is being wiped out in America right now Math, although the poor still have their meagre benefits - but that's more social control to keep them in place.

Now, you label me a 'right winger'. Does all that sound right wing? I would love true equal opportunity socialism to work the way it is meant to. I truly care about the working man - as you do - and the only thing that differentiates us is the means to the desired end. But I am a realist, not an idealist. Perhaps that just comes with age - I was an idealist once - in the early 70's - read several books on Communism - still got them - I was full of hope and interest, until we realised it just wasn't working the way it should. Collapse of idealistic dreams, followed by relief and the necessary pain of Thatcherism... which finally got us through the slough of despond. Results not perfect by any means, but a damn sight better than suffering the madness of blind and useless socialism. I lived through it.

OK, I know you will remind me that your Democrats are more like our Tories... but I really don't see much evidence of that in the Dem policies being put forward by any of them.......and that is not an argument to re-elect the currently evil Reps. They are finished. The tragedy is that the current candidates are basically all the same - and I grant that Obama does show a little more promise than the others and I wish him the best of luck.

So - back to the beginning of my rant - that they are all being driven by the hidden power lords - not just there, but here in Europe too. One World Government is the aim. But this time, they may have gone too far. Unless drastic changes are made very soon, the US will be bankrupt, the dollar will collapse, and the current recession might soon turn into a depression worse than the 30's. But even then, that's OK.... for the rich. Let the people suffer, what do the elites care? The long planned program will have been achieved.
Although I do think things are in a terrible mess after seven years of Criminal mismanagement/neglect by BushCo, I personally don't think drastic changes are going to be made anytime soon. The history of the US is a series of incremental changes (some dramatic, but incremental nonetheless), and I don't think that will change, even with Obama at the helm, so I guess 'the End is Nigh!' ;-)

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