Just seen your posting of Obama's missus... yes, very polished and impressive - a very smooth, ambitious lady and a teflon politician - like him. Would be nice if the promises were fulfilled, (I hope they are) but both the Obama's are already bought and paid for.....how else would they rise to such prominence so quickly....? I shall watch with interest and my usual cynicism, as the elites in the Bilderberg/CFR - (of which she is a member) pull their strings behind the scenes. Just don't expect too many changes in policies...the President is just the front man, he'll do as he's told and if he doesn't, they'll kill him too, like Kennedy et al.
So, anyways, I guess her argument is not a million miles away from the 'bittergate' controversy being peddled here at the moment (which I should say I personally find disingenuous at best and claptrap at worst) - he's an 'elite', 'smooth', 'paid for' Politician, not genuine, and will be the same as all the rest - he's a fake etc. That is to say, because every other politician, and especially Bush etc has been an utter disaster in recent history, we should assume that he is also going to be an utter disaster. Again, because of all of the mistakes that he has not made, we should somehow penalize him. Which, as I say, I find exceedingly strange. Here's my response to my Mum -
Hehe. How would they rise to prominence so quickly? Well, of course, maybe they are, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, given the intense scrutiny given all candidates, completely corrupt, bought and paid for, stooges, etc. But, there may be just a tiny, slim, small chance that, ummm, he's intelligent, articulate, hard working, has been involved in politics all his life, and that people think that's pretty cool? :-) ;-) Maybe? Hehe... come ON Mum - at least give the guy a chance to F*ck up! :-) Maybe you're right. But then again, maybe you're wrong, and wouldn't it be good if he were for real huh? Yes - I HAVE drunk the Kool-Aid!! :-)
As she says, we'll see in a few years... maybe... if he gets elected, which I think would be marvellous for the country and the world, if only to change what is deemed possible. That's to say, I hope and believe that he would be a truly great President, but even if (as my Mum believes) he is eventually stymied and proved ineffectual, I still think that the mere fact of having a President who believes in doing things differently (quite apart from the obvious symbolism of an African American as President) will have a lasting effect on the World.
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