Thursday, June 19, 2008

Country I Love...

Nice ad. Obamas first 'General Election' ad to run in 18 states. It's aimed at people who don't know who he is, or have only heard mistruths and rumors from those Wingnutty emails. I like this ad - the more people see of this guy, I think the more they'll like him...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

360 Degrees of Obama

This is way cool. And remember now, this isn't a Rock Star appearance or a football game - these are regular folks going to a Political Rally - talk about energized!

It's a Cyclorama Shot

Monday, June 16, 2008


Not Obama's fathers day speech (which was good btw) but something actually from waaaaaaay back in 2007 ;-) Just a little podcast, done before he was really a viable candidate, so very much genuine and 'unfiltered'...